Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Reunification Issues of Central American Immigrants Essay

Reunification Issues of Central American Immigrants - Essay Example Yet, in today's age of information and knowledge, it may be seen that it has become more important than ever to keep an eye on including literature that pertains directly to the analysis and findings of the subject at hand. This is where a review of the literature comes in as it helps the researcher look at the use of literature gathered in a critical manner. According to Cooper (Davies et al, 2003) "a literature review uses as its database reports of primary or original scholarship, and does not report new primary scholarship itself. The primary reports used in the literature may be verbal, but in the vast majority of cases reports are written documents. The types of scholarship may be empirical, theoretical, critical/analytic, or methodological in nature. Second a literature review seeks to describe, summarize, evaluate, clarify and/or integrate the content of primary reports". These principles as laid down by Cooper have been followed in ensuring that the literature used within this dissertation has been reviewed carefully in order to omit irrelevant pieces of work and include only those that are relevant to the topic. (Davies et al, 2003) This paper thus summarises the various works that have been used in terms of various sub topics and sections within the dissertation. In doing so, there is a close connection with the methodology and basic statement of the dissertation. The principles borrowed from the works of the scholars that have been used in this dissertation correspond directly with the statement of this paper. As a nation, the United States of America has paid a heavy price for attaining civilization. This seems to be the basic premise upon which author T.H Breen has built the ideologies that shapes the nation, in his book titled, The Power of Words - Documents in American History. This book is based on an important aspect of American history which starts just as the civil war ended in 1860. History is still often seen as the presentation of facts from the past, so that learning involves the mere memorization of the facts. What makes history so interesting and stimulating, however, are the debates that emerge over the facts. From an early stage, the middle passage inspired moral outrage among those opposed to the slave trade, who often treated it as the most horrific part of the whole slave experience. Recently some scholars have argued that such moral outrage has led to a "melodramatic" rather than a "historical" account of the middle passage. I have tried to present an argument that we n eed a more balanced and less moralistic account of the middle passage from the perspective of the changing values and challenges thrown up by industrialization. (Breen T. H; 1997) This points to the disintegration of the traditional family system in keeping with the emergence of the new, immigrant family within Central America where working towards making a new identity is what counts the most in terms of reunification issues and issues pertaining to separation during migration of entire families. Another important piece of literature in this regard is by Coutin (2005) who believes that violence against children is the most common root of

Monday, October 28, 2019

Racism as defined by mass media Essay Example for Free

Racism as defined by mass media Essay Oscar H. Gandy Jr. defines racism as, the process of exercising power or seeking to exercise power with regard to people defined by identifying them as a member of a particular race.1 Racism and race stem from the identity one puts onto certain groups of individuals based on their colour. The identity that one forms is acquired from a number of places including parents, religion, school, government and, on todays youth, mainly mass media such as television and music. In this essay one will focus on the influence that mass media has on our identity position of race. It is obvious that all forms of print and electronic media, from news media to books, films, television, radio, and all other forms of media collectively represent our image of ourselves. 2 The focus for the purpose of this essay will be on news media, television and music, being the most influential forms of media, while focusing on the youth of today, being the easiest to influence. News media has great power in influencing how people identify themselves by how they are represented on the. The stereotypes that television has shown, are viewed by many young individuals of colour, and are portraying how their race is viewed upon among society. Music has the greatest influence on young African-Americans, which view their idols as those shown in music videos. Mass media in a collective form, although may represent individuals of colour, influence the viewers of colour, how they should distinguish themselves.3 Mass media reflects what we think we are and influences what we think we should be. Beginning with the news from a nation wide news station to a local newspaper or news program. News media has the ability to stereotype and categorize people of colour, by using words such as minority. Never are minorities not called minorities even when they take up one third of Canadas population. Along with categorizing people of colour with the use of minority, they include words like crime, poverty and others that stereotype people of colour.4 This is viewed by young non-whites, which make them believe that this how things are and how they should be. The media now have the capability to alter our perceptions of ourselves, and change the way we live our lives. Young African-Americans, who view the news and see how their race is being represented, may possibly alter their perceptions of their lives and view themselves as criminals, when the news relates their race to criminal acts. The rarity of recognition a person of colour receives in the scholastic proceedings, is viewed among the youth of today. Of course there must be someone, somewhere of colour, writing or saying something that should be listened to, or producing art that should be seen, heard, approached with intellectual seriousness.5 This failure to recognize individuals of colour will influence youth not to pursue intellectual readings and to learn educational subjects, which are not represented by their race. In Postmodern Blackness by Bell Hooks, its states, This discourse created the idea of the primitive and promoted the notion of an authentic experience, seeing as natural those expressions of black life, which conformed to a pre-existing pattern or stereotype.6 In the news when we see a person of colour committing a crime of some sort, we look at it as being a normal act and this how things are in our society. Whites and non-whites alike look upon the news and make assumptions about how they should act, what their values should be, and how they live their daily lives. The youth of today will be the first generation to come of age in a North America where racial minorities are the numeric majority. The future of diversity will depend upon a childs perception on the position of racial identities. The youth of all races will have to expand their conception of race and race relations in ways their parents never knew. Is it important for children to see people of their own race on television? Children of colour are most likely to think so. Caucasian and African-American children can say they see characters of their race on television while Latino and Asian children are much less likely to see their race represented.7 It is the way they are represented which will affect the influence television will have on children. While some television stations do show diversification in their programming such as OMNI, they are not providing a realistic viewpoint. When a Caucasian character on television is poor, lazy and unintelligent, the show is considered to be comical, such as The Simpsons or Married with Children, and not taken as realistic. Whereas, when they are successful, rich and intellectual, the show is considered to be dramatic and viewed as being realistic. African-American characters are rarely presented as being poor, lazy and unintelligent, but always rich and successful, such as The Cosby Show and Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, and are always meant to be comical, but never taken seriously or realistically. Shows like these influence African-American children that their race is not taken seriously and are viewed as being humorous. This would affect a young African-Americans thinking is a sense that he is suppose to be a comedian. Many television shows give minority actors, minority roles. Taxi drives in most sitcoms are always non-white, grocery store workers and gas station attendants are always non-white, in shows such as Seinfeld. Although these sitcoms are not suppose to be taken realistic, young individuals of all races are more likely to associate positive characteristics with Caucasian characters and negative characteristics with minority characters. Sitcoms and other television shows have the ability to alter these perceptions, but continue to stereotype minorities. Still focusing upon the children of today, because they have great faith in the medias power and its potential to influence them. Media can teach children that people of their race are important.8 If television had shows, which evenly distributed the role of characters to all races featuring equality and diversification, they can accomplish sending a message of the importance of all races. Children look to the media for role models and imitate their favourite character. From the way they dress, talk, style their hair to following the messages sent by their characters. From the haircuts of the women on Friends to the baggy fashions of the hip-hop scene, the influence of media on todays children can be seen everywhere. Beyond superficial messages about style and appearance, children are getting more formative messages from the media. The characters they admire and the news stories they watch send both subtle and explicit signals about their values, their families and their race.9 This shows the importance of the messages being sent out by mass media and the importance of different characters and the characteristics they portray. Many African-American children will look to African-American characters for idols and will portray them. In The New Cultural Politics of Difference, Cornel West states, The widespread modern European denial of the intelligence, ability, beauty, and character of people of colour puts a tremendous burden on critics and artists of colour to prove themselves in light of norms and models set by White elites whose own heritage devalued and dehumanized them. In short, in the court of criticism and art or any matters regarding the life of the mind people of colour are guilty (i.e., not expected to meet standards of intellectual achievement) until proven innocent (i.e., acceptable to us).10 The image that people of colour are guilty until proven innocent illustrates to young individuals of all colours that because of this, people of colour are not as intellectual as Caucasians. In Postmodern Blackness, Bell Hooks states, It is no accident that rap has usurped the primary position of rhythm and blues music among young black folks as the most desired sound or that it began as a form of testimony for the underclass. It has enabled underclass black youth to develop a critical voice as a group of young black men told me, a common literacy. Rap projects a critical voice, explaining, demanding, urging.11 To all young African-Americans, this message is saying that their only voice, their only outlet, is through entertainment in the way of music. They are not enough African-American writers to allow them to consider an outlet that is scholarly. They feel they have to portray the image that is being sent to them through rappers and musicians alike to dress, talk, walk and act the way these rappers say they do, in drinking, smoking and heading for drugs. Young African-American men that watch rap videos, sports, movies and may see many men of their race in this forms of media, but the image they represent is that if you cannot make it as a rapper, actor or athlete, youll never become wealthy and successful. Rarely are there images on news media about wealthy African-American businessmen unless its criminal; rarely are business shows on television shown where black businessmen are the portrayal of the show. They may be a rarity, but should not be and ought to be discussed in business matters. Looking at music for influences, from Stanford, Kathleen OToole puts in best, Music alters and intensifies their moods, furnishes much of their slang, dominates their conversations and provides the ambiance at their social gatherings. Music styles define the crowds and cliques they run in. Music personalities provide models for how they act and dress.12 This states that music alters our perception of ourselves and what we should be and how we should act. Our identity is affected and changed according to music videos. Rap videos show African-American singers as doing drinking, smoking, having naked women around them and treating them inappropriately and this is how African-American youth thinks they should act, instead musicians need to send an suitable message out to the youth of today. Also, other races will feel that this is how African-Americans act and will treat them accordingly. Many African-American rappers have lyrics, which are against authority and this influences others alike to perceive the same thoughts. Everyone of every race has an identity theyd like to call their own. But this identity is usually not their own and influenced by many sources, especially mass media. From music to television to news media, the influence these have on the children of today is immense. Music, television and news media, collectively with other mass medium, have the ability to alter ones perceptions of oneself and the characteristics of others. Race has always been a touchy subject because of its sensitivity and although I am a person of colour, I may have made some stereotypical comments of both whites and non-whites, but I did so only with the intent of making my point. Mass media reflects what we think we are and influences what we think we should be. Bibliography Colorado State University Cooperative Extension. Im Looking for Me: Childrens Perception of Race and Class in the Media. Family Matters Newsletter. October 2002. (20 Nov. 2003). Gandy, Jr., Oscar H. On Race and the Political Economy of Communication. Art Survival: An Internet Review. Issue 2, Volume 1. (23 Nov. 2003). Hall, Stuart. Cultural Identity and Diaspora. Colonial Discourse and Post-Colonial Theory. Patrick William Laura Chrisman, eds., Pp. 392-403, (c) Columbia University, 1994. Hooks, Bell. Postmodern Blackness. Yearning: Race, Gender, and Cultural Politics, Pp. 23-31, (c) Between the Lines, 1990. Lauder, Matthew. News Media Perpetuation of Racism in a Democratic Society. Cancon: Articles. (21 Nov. 2003). OToole, Kathleen. Rock Roll: Does it Influence Teens Behavior? Stanford Report [Online]. 1997. teenmusic.html (20 Nov. 2003). Third Way Cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½. Children and Race in the Media. Racism: The Public Face. Beyond the News. (21 Nov. 2003). West, Cornel. The New Cultural Politics of Difference. The Cultural Reader. 2nded. Simon during, ed., Pp. 256-267, (c) Routledge, 1999. 1 Gandy, Jr., Oscar H. On Race and the Political Economy of Communication. Art Survival: An Internet Review. Issue 2, Volume 1. (23 Nov. 2003). 2 Third Way Cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½. Children and Race in the Media. Racism: The Public Face. Beyond the News. (21 Nov. 2003). 3 Colorado State University Cooperative Extension. Im Looking for Me: Childrens Perception of Race and Class in the Media. Family Matters Newsletter. October 2002. (20 Nov. 2003). 4 Lauder, Matthew. News Media Perpetuation of Racism in a Democratic Society. Cancon: Articles. (21 Nov. 2003). 5 Hooks, Bell. Postmodern Blackness. Yearning: Race, Gender, and Cultural Politics, Pp. 24, (c) Between the Lines, 1990. 6 Ibid. 26. 7 Colorado State University Cooperative Extension. Im Looking for Me: Childrens Perception of Race and Class in the Media. Family Matters Newsletter. October 2002. (20 Nov. 2003). 8 Third Way Cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½. 9 Ibid 10 West, Cornel. The New Cultural Politics of Difference. The Cultural Reader. 2nded. Simon during, ed., Pp. 256-267, (c) Routledge, 1999. 11 Hooks, Bell. 27. 12 OToole, Kathleen. Rock Roll: Does it Influence Teens Behavior? Stanford Report [Online]. 1997. teenmusic.html (20 Nov. 2003).

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Normative and Educational Ethics :: Philosophy Morals Papers

The controversies in our time between teleological and deontological ethics which come down to the problem "from being to ought," referring to human being or nature, can be resolved only by an adequate conception of human nature. Taking up the ancient tradition (Plato, Aristotle, Stoa) again, we can re-examine the teleological conception of human nature as primarily instinctive and selfish, and say that human nature is constituted also by reason and that the instinctive nature is predisposed to be guided by reason or intellect. The constitutive order of the human soul, with the subordination of the instinct under the intellect, involves already some natural goodness, of which the intellect is aware (in the natural moral conscience) and for which the will strives (in a natural inclination). This is the basis for the "moral law" and for normative ethics. Thus, human nature is not selfish in itself. Although moral goodness as humankind’s perfection is an ideal, it has in us alrea dy imperfect natural beginnings, a "natural morality." In a certain sense, the moral ought of actions comes from one’s being, from the natural moral goodness of which the intellect is aware in itself, and from its good intentions. I. Problems of Foundation Seen historically, the foundation problems of ethical norms and normative ethics have been treated, in modern times, in two opposite directions, the empiricist and the rationalistic way. The former is characterized as the aposterioric way, taking the criterion of morality only from the result of experience — feelings of usefulness and happiness —, in contrast to the latter as aprioric, taking the criterion from a law of reason — universal human duties — foregoing to all experience. Kants’ ethics tried to superate the aposterioric ethics of the English empiricists, claiming, with the rationalists, a law of reason apriori, but in doing so he did not follow the way of pure rationalism. Rather he established his position as a combination of both directions, the empiricist and the rationalistic one. They form the so-called "material" and "formal" side of his ethics. The moral law of reason, the famous "categorical imperative", belongs to the formal side, whereas the objects of our actions are considered as "material", i.e. as objects of our sensitive desire or vital needs which can be given only in the field of sensible intuition. He denies with the empiricists any intellectual intuition and formulates the "paradox of method" (1) that no object or "good" can be the criterion a priori for morality, but only the categorical imperative, of which, if applied to actions, every object or good is a consequence.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Ancient Roman Meals :: essays research papers

Ancient Roman Meals   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The ancient Romans were similar to todays generations in their eating habits but never ate three hearty meals a day. Ientaculum and prandium were merely appetizers that filled their stomachs unitl the large cena, the event they look forward to since awakening. They had names for their meals similar to ours, breakfast (ientaculum), lunch (prandium), and dinner (cena).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Breakfast, ientaculum was usually taken about nine o'clock and consisted of merely a few pieces of bread sprinkled in salt or dipped in wine, and with a few raisins and olives, and a little cheese added. The poorest Romans ate little other than wheat either crushed to make a porridge or ground into flour for bread.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lunch, or prandium was usually taken at noon. It was usually nothing more than a piece of bread accompanied by cold meat, vegetables, and fruit washed down with a glass of wine. Both ientaculum and prandium were so short there was no need to set the table or wash ones hands.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The only serious meal was the evening dinner or cena. Dinner time was practically the same for all Romans due to the lack of artificial light. Dinner was after the bath at the end of the eigth hour in winter and at the ninth in summer. The food is mostly cold,-breads, salads, olives, cheeses, and meats remaing from last nights dinner. Occasionally, hot dishes such as ham and pig's heads are feasted upon. Some wealthy Romans would have as many as seven courses to feed on.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Trimalchio, a wealthy Roman would have a bronzed donkey with appetizer dishes of olives, stuffed dormice rolled in honey and poppy seed, hot sausages were laid on a silver grill next to pomegranate and damson seeds. The guests were still busy with the hors d'oeuvres when a tray would be brought in with a basket on it, in which there was a wooden hen spreading her wings. Under the straw were Peahen eggs that would base passed out. Each egg contained a fat becafico rolled up in spiced egg yolkf. There were plates with the twelve signs of Zodiac on them that had food matas ching the symbol, ram, bull, crab, figs, lion, etc. Some hosts would heat a wfshole pig and then entertain his guests by having skilled swordmen carve the pa fig like he was killing it. After eating, many guests would entertain each othed sfr in belching. It was considered polite to belch and release wind after a ni sce meal. Guests would simply snap their fingers and servants would come running with vases to contain urine.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Examine How Market Equilibrium Is Determined and Explain

Market Equilibrium- Asifa Kwong Examine how market equilibrium is determined and explain why governments intervene in markets. Use diagrams to illustrate your answer. Equilibrium refers to the idea that there is no tendency to change, and market equilibrium is a situation where the price and the quantity supplied and the quantity demanded of a particular good are equal. The interaction between demand and supply can change the price mechanism which determines the prices and quantity of the goods and services that will be bought and sold in the market.When there’s no tendency to change in price or quantity, it means that there’s no surplus or shortage of goods and services in the market (diagram 1). If there’s any mismatch in supply and demand, it will be balanced by changes in price and quantity demanded or supplied. When there’s a surplus of goods and services, there will be a decrease in demand, where supply will be greater than demand, price will fall wh ere firms cut prices to sell surplus and there will be a contraction of supply and an extension of demand.When there’s a shortage of goods and services, consumers bid up prices competing for the available quantity supplied of goods and series, where there’s an extension of supply and a contraction of demand ad there will be a re-established equilibrium price at a higher rate. Increase in demand will lead to a shift in the demand curve to the right where it will raise both equilibrium price and quantity. When there’s a decrease in demand, the demand will shift to the left where price will drop and there will be an extension in demand and a contraction in supply.An increase in supply will shift supply to the right, it will lower the equilibrium price and raises the equilibrium quantity. There will be an extension in demand and a contraction in supply. A decrease in supply will shift supply to the right where there will be a raise in the equilibrium price and lower s the equilibrium quantity. When the market prices for goods and services in the product markets is considered to be too high or too low, market failure may occur where the price mechanism may take account of private benefits and costs of production but doesn’t take into account social cost and benefits.This is when the government intervenes in the market. When the government feels that the market determined price for some goods and services is too high or too low, the government may intervene in the marketplace in order to make changes to these goods and services. Governments impose price ceiling and floor prices in order to intervene the market prices. Price ceiling is the maximum price that can be charged for a good or service. For example, the petrol prices in the market maybe too high so the government would set a ceiling price that it can’t be higher than a particular amount.Floor price refers to the minimum price that can be charged for a particular good or serv ices, it is established below market equilibrium. For example, the government may think that the market price for wheat is too low, so it may impose a floor price which will lead to an increase in the price of wheat and the market will be in disequilibrium. There are often failure of private sector to provide goods and services. The government may intervene in order to encourage the provision of merit goods like public education that have positive externalities, through subsidies to consumers to lower prices and increases consumption.Provision of public good, e. g. public road and police services, are not provided by individual firms at all, so the government intervenes to supply these public goods and finances them with its tax revenue. Protection of the environmental goods like air, water is intervening by the government where government may set taxes like the carbon tax to control the pollution level. In a government influence market, we would have pure competition in the marketp lace where there’s no government intervention at all.This shows that no one in the market has the power to influence the market outcomes directly. The prices of the market will be determined by its supply and demand in the market system. With a regulated market where there’s government intervention, the price mechanism can be changed depending on the government influence. Therefore, a regulated market can be controlled so that it can be more secured and safe where the price of goods and services is at a rage that people in the economy can effort so that our standard of living can increase.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Research Paper on Pakistan

Research Paper on Pakistan The textile sector needs massive investments in the value added sector to face the challenges of the post 2005 qouta free regime. Common belief in Pakistan is that the sector is quite vibrant and is investing heavily. While it is true that there have been substantial investments in the sector as a whole, bulk of the investments are in the spinning and weaving sectors and not enough is being invested in the value added sectors of finishing and stitching. In the following brief presentation the impediments will be highlighted but a general structure of the industry as it stands today needs to be understood before the problems can be understood. The spinning sector is a very mature and competitive sector. Pakistan today is a net importer of raw cotton. Every thing from Australian cotton, Egyptian cotton to US Pima is imported. In fact Pakistan today is the second largest importer of US Pima long staple cotton. This goes to show how competitive this industry has become. The weaving sector is broken up in two segments, the cottage industry comprising second hand sulzers and the shuttle looms and the organized weaving sector comprising the most modern air jet weaving sector. The unorganized sector continues to grow since it is considered a cottage industry and free from all regulations like levy of sales tax etc. These produce lower quality products. While investment requirement in the new weaving machines is high, these are the future and produce specialty and high quality products. The capital requirement is very high. Over the years many spinning mills have moved into this sector and have  integrated their units to this ne xt step. This sector is also quite competitive and moving in the right direction. The pace of investment in this sector remains slow, despite being profitable. In the last 2 years China is believed to have invested in 14000 looms compared to about 1000 in Pakistan. There can be no 2 views about the fact that the future in the industry belongs to vertically  integrated units rather than development of the cottage industry. So why is the spinning industry slow in integrating vertically? The next requirement is for setting up of finishing mills both in the knits sector and wovens sector. Many of the projects set up in the knits sector are not world scale, with not the state of the art machinery and their cost of productions are not competitive. In the woven apparel sector there is in fact a shortage of quality finishing plants. Many people are bringing in used machinery which has literally been discarded by the developed world. It is a matter of fact that Levis does not approve any finishing plant for woven apparel products made for them. The fabrics need to be imported. Tommy also does not approve a single dyeing mill which meets its quality requirements. The exception to the rule is the home textiles where the organized sector has invested heavily and has a significant share of the global market. What does this say for the future of the textile industry of Pakistan particularly when countries like China are investing and gearing themselves massively for the quota f ree regime. China is aiming at 25% global share of the textile market by year 2005. Pakistan on the other hand is fast developing its unorganized sector and picks up every piece of junk machinery available in the developed world. So the question is why is the organized sector moving in natural direction. What are the impediments to its investments, particularly when the spinning sector seems saturated and the interest rates are low and there is ample credit availability. The following paragraphs will briefly discuss the impediments in growth of the textile sector. 1) Unimaginable amounts of stuck up refunds of sales tax refunds due to shortage of funds. The sales tax refund rules provide for 50% of the refund within 15 days of filing for the refund in a certain format. The balance refund is payable within 40 days. Can one imagine that refunds, at the time of writing this report are being processed for refund applications received in end October. That means that at best the refunds due in September, refund applications for which are filed in October are under process. Pakistan is the 4th largest producer of raw cotton in the world and the bulk of the cotton comes in the months from September to December during which time the industry purchases its requirements for the bulk of the industry. The pretext of the delayed refunds are scarcity of funds. When the government withholds huge payments of its industry, how can the industry invest. The refund rules provide for refund in a certain time frame the government should follow the laws made by itself. The wisdom of imposing sales tax on raw cotton is not understandable. The government mobilizes huge resources to collect billions of rupees of tax in lieu of sales tax on raw cotton only then to mobilize even more resources to refund these and in the process squeezing the industry out of liquidity which it badly needs to gear itself for the future. In fact, perhaps the BOI can get the figures from the CBR as to what is the gravity of the issue. Also the government should analyze what the net collection from the textile sector is. This would demonstrate net collection of sales tax from the textile industry. Given the fast growth of the cottage industry, it would not come as a surprise if the sales refund claimed exceeds the sales tax collected after accounting for the administrative expences for collections and refunds. Since writing of this report, the CBR has agreed to expedite refunds of sales tax for the spinning sector. This will provide a lot of relief to this sector, but what is needed is a long term clear policy and a policy under which sales tax is not with held unnecessarily. Furthermore a long term policy is required for the whole sector. Suggestion for resolution of this problem As a first step the BOI must make sure that refunds are made within the time frame provided in the exisiting laws. The BOI must together analyze together with the CBR and take the textile industry in confidence in analyzing what is the net collection of the sales tax from the textile industry and if it is necessary to go through the process of collecting such amounts only to refund the amounts. 2) Cumbersome requirements and frequent changes in reporting requirements for the of reporting for sales tax. There are frequent changes in the sales tax rules which require submission of Additional details and unnecessary details. An example is section 73 of the sales tax act, whereby the seller has to make sure that the payments received by him against sales is from the business account of the buyer. The seller needs to have the account number of the buyer. In cases of payments made by pay order/bank drafts also the seller needs to prove payments through the business account of the buyer. The same section requires that payment must be received with 120 days of date of invoice. The CBR should be concerned with collection of its taxes and should not be allowed to force business decisions and levy penalties which may occur due to a bad market or circumstances beyond the control of the buyer and seller. Also new refund rules vide SRO 575 have been made applicable since August 2002, whereby not only have rules been changed, the language is vague And complicated but also the data was to be submi tted in a certain computerized Programmed supplied by the CBR. The programme was untested and had to be Modified resulting in delayed submission of returns. The real issue is that instead Businesses working on their business plans their main focus and time is spent on Their businesses the business men today spend time on meeting the sales tax Requirement for this is the most important task as an inefficient sales tax Management can drive a business out of business. Suggestion Remove unnecessary reporting requirements of sales tax. Simplify the sales tax With consultation of the stake holders and then freeze new changes. 3) Import Duties on machinery and equipment When machinery is imported there is a duty leviable. Duty exemption is available under various SROs which require undertakings that a certain percentage of the production is exported in the next 5years. It has to be understood that machinery imported by any segment of the textile industry is ultimately exported in one form or the other. When an undertaking is given that the production from that unit will directly be exported, it may be depriving the local industry of the required raw material. An example is that finished woven fabrics. These are projects which require huge investments and there is a shortage of much required quality finished fabric in the country. There have been only a few projects set up in the last few years. The production from these would feed the local industry. In order to get the required duty exemptions, the investors commit themselves to export the fabrics themselves rather than supply to the local garment factories. It is needed that this requirement of di rect exports be dispensed with and the project is also allowed to supply to local garment factories for ultimate exports. If quality fabric is available locally, it would encourage setting up of stitching factories. Finishing projects specially have a rather long gestation period. Certain projects set up in the last 2 years valued in excess of a billion rupees have taken more than 2 years to come to even break even levels. Pakistan does not have the necessary know how and there fore these type of projects need to be encouraged instead of levying taxes on import of machinery. What this law does not consider is that it is forcing the mill to export the fabric to another country rather than making the finished fabric available of the domestic industry. The local stitching industry does not have availability of good quality fabric while the fabric maker is forced to export the fabric in order to meet the requirement of export to be elegible for duty free import of machinery. Suggestion Machinery imported for any segment of the textile should be completely duty free without any compulsion of exports. Machinery imported by the textile sector is in one way or the other imported for the purposes of ultimate export and the industry should be freed from all the record keeping and periodic audits. For the projects already set up, the present requirements of duty free import under SRO 554 should be amended to allow indirect exports 4) Income tax Presently on exports a withholding tax is deducted as full and final settlement of tax liability. If a unit exports more than 80% the assessee can pay the withholding tax on the local portion and is not required to file returns. If the tax laws are amended so that a withholding tax at the same rate as export, is deducted on local sales also becomes the full and final settlement. This law actually already exists but the procedure is for indirect exports and payment is made through a SPO ( Special Purchase Order). The procedure is quite cumbersome and difficult to comply with. The difference between the organized sector and unorganized sector will be removed. But the real benefit would be that the producers would be free from tax issues and can concentrate on what they should be spending time on, i.e their business development. It is my opinion that even the tax revenue will increase. 5) Need for making a strategy at the National level to encourage more mills in the organized sector to integerate vertically. The BOI and the ministry of Commerce should clearly define and develop a strategy for the era of quota free regime. A goal should be made to encourage an X number of mills in the organized sector to move upstream into manufacture of made ups. This may involve review of the present quota policy. It should be stressed that in the quota free regime it is the  integrated mills that will be able to gear themselves for the new competitive regime. Unless the industry readies itself now, there will be a lot of difficulties in the future. Unfortunately the quota policy has discouraged vertical integeration since quota has been given on performance and apart from a small qnty available through auction, qouta can only be bought with cash payments at exhorbitant rates. This has discouraged much of the organized textile sector to do busiess in the value added sector. 6) A clearly defined policy to fight anti dumping cases, and a permanent team is required to be set up for negotiation of better terms of trade. In future there will be a lot of actions against exports from Pakistan, such as anti dumping duties. The industry finds itself in a panic when ever a new action is initiated. A permanent body needs to be set up comprising prominent lawyers, government officials as well as business who are well conversent with dumping laws. It should also be clearly defined that when an action is initiated who will bear the legal costs. A case in point is the recent dumping investigation initiated by the EU. First, at the beginning of 2002, EU removed all duties on made up exports from Pakistan. The advantage was fully taken by the industry through increasing exports, of course through investments. However the surge in exports was not welcome by producers in the importing countries. There was an apprehension of dumping investigations, however Pakistan made no attempt, diplomatic or otherwise, so that the dumping complaint not be entertained by the EU. Instead one fine day the exporters received intima tion that the complaint was filed and accepted for investigation. After this, there were discussion within the industry as to who will pay the expences for the investigation, with the government refusing to pay any thing. It is suggested that a very strong permanent panel be formed to face these matters. In addition, the more competitive Pakistan’s exports are the more the industry will grow through investments. A permanent team needs to be created which develops strategies for better market access and better terms of access for our products into imported countries. Various international treaties signed by various countries have brought tremendous benefits to even non textile based countries. Exoorts from Jordan to the US are duty free into the US. This has brought tremendous investments in Jordan. Investments in textiles made ups in African states is booming, due to the African Tearty signed by them with the US which allows duty free imports into US goods which are manufactu red in the African states. Pakistan needs to organize and see if it can improve the terms of trade. A permanent body, again comprising competent lawyers, government officials and  knowledge and capable business men. There are many issues on which the exporting country can negotiate with the importing country. For example, Pakistan today is the second largest importer of US PIMA cotton. The products made from this go to the US after processing. Can Pakistan not develop a strategy to build up a lobby within the US comprising cotton exporters that products made with US cotton in the US can come in duty free to the US. Pakistan is sure to invest in some massive infrastructure projects in the future. Can this not be linked with again some better terms of trade benefits for its textile exports. Steps such as these can be part of Pakistans over all investment and export strategy. In summary, the textile industry is perhaps on of the few industries in the country which does not depend on any government subsidy or tariff protection to survive. Unfortunately, instead of making itself ready for the quota free regime, the industry is too involved in the day to day issues of taxation, whether it is sales tax refunds, import duty, DTRE rules income tax assessments etc. These are the only subjects of discussion of businesses with the ministries of Finance, Commerce, CBR, EPB and all other government functionairies. The above suggestions are basically to further deregulate the industry and make it more focused and let its entrepruners devote all their attention to business development rather than divert their energies in fulfilling government compliance regulations. Simple tax laws and regulations will go a long way in boosting investments. In addition through the above suggestions the government needs to improve its market access and better terms of trade for exports of Pakistani products abroad.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The purpose of this document is to provide the extensive literature review as for as the risk management of an organization is concerned. The WritePass Journal

The purpose of this document is to provide the extensive literature review as for as the risk management of an organization is concerned. Introduction The purpose of this document is to provide the extensive literature review as for as the risk management of an organization is concerned. IntroductionREVIEW OF LITERATURE Financial ReportsTypes of Financial Reports. Conclusion:Related Introduction REVIEW OF LITERATURE The banking is the old concept as old as the man existence in the world in the earliest. From the day one of the baking sector development the credit risk management it is obvious that the credit risk is very much possible an the existence of the credit risk is as old as the banking concept is.   The development of the banking sector has taken the new and developed shapes by having the technology from the advent of the science and technology of the present age. The credit risk exist from the first day of the banking sector but the management of the credit risk is came in to existence after the realization of the credit risk in the banking sector. The credit risk management is one of the key factor for any banking organization for the management of the risks to the banks from the credit losses or and of the bank defaults. To minimize the credit risk of the banking organization it is obvious that the management of the organization has to make the follow up policies to make the risk to be get less and to achieve this goal the brief study of the following factors is necessary Analyzing the documentation for the products launching of the banking sectors from the point of view of profit loss of the product The exact picture of the products are in the real investment and income ratio of the banking statements which should be studied and analyzed for the future planning of the new product launching for the banking organization The study of the financial documents of the banking organization is very important for minimizing the credit risk of the various products of the bank. The analyzing of the banking organization’s investments from the profit/loss ratio should be studied The risk management is done by the evaluation of the previous financial documents like the financial reports, trail balance accounts, balance sheets and other such documents are very important in this regard. The proper working of the organization is controlled by the management of the organization and the management of the organization is responsible for all the ups and downs of the organization. The management manages the cycle of the workforce inside the organization and its management is usually the main concern with the workforce and the proper functioning of the banking organization. The credit risks are also   the part which come under the concern of the management of the banking organization as it can cause the proper functioning of the banks be astray from the actual path of working or th malfunctioning of the organization. The management of the organization has to develop the proper credit risk management cycle or system to manage any credit risk that can cause the damages to the organization in the short term and long term. It is not the every time that the management of the organization becomes able to identify and wipe out the credit risks that are causing the financial threats to the organization completely. Here we can discuss some points that are the subject to the project management which are useful for overcoming into the context of the business organization in short and long run having all the possibilities taken under the considerations If we go along planning something we must look in doing something, searching something and creating steps to sort out our planning by having proper planning which we called the proper management if done for credit risk management the banking organizations must be evaluated properly. The credit risk management is analyzed by the authentic documents/legal documentation of the banks or any organization as it deals with the sensitive issues of any bank or organization The legal documentation of the bank includes the term papers for different purpose utilized by the bank for the instance, the bank provide different products or we can say financial products.   These legal documents include Financial statements Profit loss statements Quarterly Reports Equability share Reports Investment Reports. Dividends Reports The data analysis factors are very much important in understanding the credit risk and credit management of any organization in short/long term planning. The credit risk management is done by the different things. Is is done by the customer satisfaction which   is don by the review of different factors created by the credit risk. The utility of the credit risk management is usually the settlement of the causes of failures that can be caused by the credit risks. The credit risk management has a very vast area under its cover. It involve the factors which are created by the customer’s needs and can be overcome by doing the customer satisfaction management. The credit receiving is often taken to grant which help to put in plain words the needs of diplomacy. The first point of the credit control which should be kept in mind is to recognize the cost of credit and its various effects on the profit loss of the organization. By analyzing the credit risk we can conclude the banking risk that can be faced by the organization at various level of credit control process. Credit risk management is also very useful analyzing lacks that can occur during the credit control policy of any origination The data is utilized that is provided by the concern banks in this regard. The time series analysis of the five year financial plan is very effective to figure out the exact picture of the present state of the risks that are faced and that can be faced by the organization or a bank The structurally identification of the banking risk management is done by the review of the various legal documentation of the banks or any financial organizations in the marketplace. The credit rsik investigation is done by analyzing the different documentation such as the profit and losses ratio of the bank for the individual products launched by the organization or a bank The individual investigation is very much necessary as the ignorance in this matter will cause the credit losses on one of the products individually which might not be come under the eye of the banks or the financial organization as the organization as a whole going in profit or achieving its goal at steady speed. The exploration of the internal structure of the organization is done by the management of the organization at various levels of working in the banking and in the management cycle. The exploration may reduce the banking credit risk as it allows the complete picture of the organization and needs of the organization can be fulfilled according to the necessities opf the financial organization or the bank. What is the most important is to make the environment of the banking organization so good for the working conditions and for the customers as the believe of the customer on the different products of the organization become firm. The identification of the sectors from the bank or the financial organization can face the credit risks are very import to spotlight. The different sectors which can cause the credit risks are following Different products launched by the organization and its development by not taking the proper handling The loans given by the banks as the return of the loan must be ensured by the legal documentation to avoid the loan losses The investments done by the bank in different sectors The overview of these factors and sectors might be the way to avoid the credit risk to the organization. The management role in this regard is very much important as the management deal with the major decisions of the organization so to avoid the credit risk management the management has to play his role as a good management. The management of the organization is responsible for taking the necessary steps to initiate the process which might less the risks of credit that can cause damage to the organization or a bank. The management of the organization is responsible to answer the following What we are planning to do in managing the risk management? What is our approach in doing it? When is the right time to do the start?   What are the prerequisites of doing? What time period will it require?   What will be the cost require to complete it? The above question will give the brief view of the present credit risks towards the organization and the management of these risks can be done by adopting the proper techniques and methods for it. The credit risk is taken under the consideration for each and every documentation of the banks/organization. Financial Reports There are many ways to understand the banking ability and position. The financial reports are of main concern which are made after analysis of the financial reports by the banks. Types of Financial Reports. There are many types of financial reports two of which are of mains converse 1. Yearly Financial Reports. The yearly financial reports include. The complete profit/loss of the organization financial statements are also included in the report The complete profit/Loss report is created at the end of the fiscal year which covers in the yearly financial report. 2.   Quarterly Financial Reports The quarterly financial reports are done to have a quick view on the performance of the organizations or the bank. 3.   Half Quarterly Reports The half quarterly report is created to have a quick and focused view on some certain products and products appreciation of the bank or any organizations. The Bank offers loans and launches different products which involves in the credit risk. The loans are the major concern which are very much involved in the credit risk. The recovery of the loans must be ensured by getting the proper security to avoid any risks caused by the loss due to loan non-recovery. The credit risk in the market is very much open. Launching more and more new products the possibility of the more and more credit risk can be faced by the organization or the bank. To avoid such risk the proper risk management should done to avoid the risks in these circumstances. The review of the whole circumstances gives us the picture of the organization in the short and long term planning of the management. If we go along planning something we must look in doing something, searching something and creating steps to sort out our planning by having proper planning which we called the proper management if done for credit risk management the banking organizations must be evaluated properly. By looking at the credit risk we probe into the banking risks, assessments, management and control over the management. The attempt to understand the credit risk unfolds some of the risks in management evaluation and assessment equipments, models and methods. Credit risk management also analyzes to overcome the lacks in credit lacks during the different credit management implementation techniques. Conclusion: In the end we can say that the credit risks exist right from the beginning of the banking concept and the banking concept is as old as the man from the very early age. The different levels of risks are threatening for the banking organization should be taken in to the account by the management of the organization for the betterment of the financial organization.   The identification of the risk is very important as the identification of the sectors is done from where the bank can face the credit risks. The credit risks can be made less by following the proper method and techniques followed by the complete study of the financial documents of the organization. The brief history of the organization in terms of credit losses and the profit should be analyzed to get the clear picture of the present situation. And the proper evaluation will enable the management of the organization to avoid the credit risks.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Home Appliances To The Countryside Social Policy Essay Essays

Home Appliances To The Countryside Social Policy Essay Essays Home Appliances To The Countryside Social Policy Essay Paper Home Appliances To The Countryside Social Policy Essay Paper 2009 ) . Every 100 Chinese rural families possess the figure of colour TVs, rinsing machines, cell phones and iceboxs merely 2/3, 1/2, 1/2 and 1/4 severally of the of urban families. The asymmetric information between the rural occupant and the electronic place contraption industry consequences in inauspicious choice. This state of affairs imposed the market failure as advancing electronic place contraptions to rural countries. Hence, the subsidy policy of electronic place contraptions for rural countries can be regarded as a policy support by the authorities in order to advance electronic place contraptions and, therefore drive a long-run structural alteration when promoting makers to plan rural usage merchandises ( Credit Suisse, 2009 ) . In the 3rd one-fourth of 2008, the hazard of 2nd mortgage in the United State provoked the planetary fiscal tsunami. Due to the eruption of the planetary fiscal tsunami, the planetary economic system is in recession and the export of China suffered a great loss. Furthermore, when the fiscal crisis has plunged the universe into recession, protectionism in the Earth market has been on the rise. Harmonizing to a recent World Bank survey, from October 2008 to February 2009, forty seven trade-restricting steps were implemented ( E. Gamberoni and R. Newfarmer, 2009 ) . While the authorization had paid attending on the lifting tide of trade protectionism and recession of export market, by the manner of the primary success of the pilot undertaking and the first extension of the plan in the December 2008, the authorities announced the place contraptions to the countryside plan would be extended into a national broad graduated table in February 2009 ( Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Commerc e and Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, 2008 ) . Harmonizing to the notice, the authorities aims to hike domestic demand to procure economic growing, better populating criterion of the state s rural population, hike domestic ingestion and excite the industrial production growing through the plan extension. Such national broad subsidy policy covers the full rural countries in the state with nine classs of place electronic contraption points. Significances and purposes of this survey: After the extension of the place contraptions to the countryside plan in February 2009, it nationally targeted to the full rural occupants. Harmonizing to the National Bureau of Statistics, the population of rural occupants is 7.2 hundred million about, which is 55.06 % of the population of China ( National Bureau of Statistics, 2008 ) . With this big Numberss of mark participants, how the plan to advance and implement remainders on the authorities and the electronic place contraptions industries. The Chinese Premier, Wen Jiabao, has commented on the China s stimulus bundle. Harmonizing to his address, the China s stimulus bundle is designed to both sustain economic growing and better people s support . Policies related to impacting people s wellbeing are given precedence to apportion public resources ( Embassy of China in the US, 2009 ) . Namely, the authorization regards the subsidy policy a important scheme to increase domestic demand and procure the economic growing under the current economic system circumstance and besides a policy that besides aims to better the populating criterion of the rural occupants. Ministry of Commerce estimations that the place contraptions to the countryside plan will hike domestic ingestion and achieves RMB 150 billion in the first twelvemonth and wholly hike RMB 920 billion at the terminal of the plan. However, comparison with the approximative RMB 150 billion rural disbursement, the proportion is comparatively little. During the first 10 month of 2009, the national gross revenues of the subsidy plan was 2787.8 units which accounted for RMB 5.08 billion. Within this period, the gross revenues figure record a continued dropping in August and September while the gross revenues in August was around RMB 7.6 billion, and it was every bit low as RMB 6.2 billion in September. ( People s Daily, 2009 ) . It was the first clip of a continued two months gross revenues decline from the RMB 8.8 billion gross revenues in the July. These figures reveal that the result of the subsidy plan is non able to run into the original estimate. This indicated the original appraisal is excessively optimistic and overvalues the engagements of rural occupants. The subsidy policy is a comprehensive scheme affecting big Numberss of rural occupants and big sum of money. The participants of the rural occupants are the cardinal fundamental of the subsidy policy. Rural occupants will non blindly devour what the electronic place contraption industry put on the market despite there is a 13 % subsidy from the authorities. They have their concerns and ratings to the policy. This survey chiefly focuses on the place contraptions to the countryside plan after February 2009 and its purposes to analysis the relationship among the authorities, the electronic place contraption industry and rural occupants. For the authorities, the plan is to hike domestic ingestion in the rural country to procure economic growing. For the electronic place contraption makers, they aim to derive benefits. For the rural occupants, they consider to better their life criterion after buying the electronic place contraptions through a subsided monetary value. By analyzing their different intents to take part in the plan, I will seek to reason some suggestion to heighten the efficiency of the place contraptions to the countryside plan since the result is non satisfied with the false appraisal. Literature reappraisal: Home contraptions to the countryside plan The English interlingual rendition as place contraptions to the countryside plan was officially used in the authorities and media in China. The plan foremost started as a pilot undertaking on three states and one metropolis in December 2007. After keeping the pilot undertaking for one twelvemonth, in December 2008, phrase one of the place contraptions to the countryside plan which extended its country to a sum of 14 states, straight controlled municipalities and independent parts was started. At last, in the February 2009, the plan extends to full rural countries in the state and to subsidise the rural occupants in nine classs of electronic place contraptions ( colour Television sets, iceboxs, nomadic phones, rinsing machines, air conditioners, H2O warmers, computing machines, microwave ovens and electromagnetic cookers ) . The plan will last for four old ages to 2012 and rural occupants were entitled to a 13 % subsidy on buying the selected electronic place contraptions ( limi ted within two units in each class ) . Since this subsidy plan targeted the rural occupants, merely those with rural residence qualify for the subsidies. Harmonizing to ordinances of runing the place contraptions to the countryside plan, a monetary value bound was set on each class. ( For illustration, colour Television set RMB3500, iceboxs RMB2500, nomadic phone RMB1000, rinsing machines RMB2000, etc ) . The original intent to put up such bound is to guarantee points are low-cost to the rural occupants. However, this bound was regarded as one of the factors that hinder to accomplish the approximative rural outgo. The place contraptions to countryside plan has been running for more than 10 months since February 2009 and different sorts of statistics were announced. Harmonizing to the Ministry of Commerce, there are 17 place electronic contraptions companies which has accumulated gross revenues over 100 million and they include Haier, Gree, Midea, Skyworth, Konka, TCL, Lenovo, etc. Among these companies, Haier is the endeavor which benefits the most from subsidy plan and has the highest accrued gross revenues figures of RMB 8.6 billion during the past 10 months. However, there are still 14 companies out of 348 which show break uping gross revenues while another 17 endeavors sold less than 10 units ( Minister of Commerce 2009 ) . Indexs of quality of unrecorded As mentioned earlier in this survey, the subsidy plan in besides a societal public assistance plan. This policy supports the rural occupants to purchase electronic place contraptions in order to better their life criterion. David E. Bloom, Patricia H. Craig and Pia N. Malaney in their survey concluded several indexs to measure quality of life. They are nutrition , health , education , income , gender equality , fertility , political, civil, and economic freedom , environmental quality , access to substructure , and access to information . Televisions and nomadic phone convenience their life and besides supply a channel for them to derive information. Industries are required to add particular maps which are fit to utilize in rural environment. The theoretical accounts of Mobile phone which selected in the plan are required to heighten the signal accessing ability where signal from web operators in rural environment are instability. In the long tally, the intent of the subsidy plan is steering the industries to put up production line for rural markets. As a consequence, when the plan ends in 2012, the subsidy plan is expected to actuate the production of the electronic place contraptions sector, meanwhile, excite the industrial construction development. Consumption behaviour in rural countries The place contraptions to the countryside plan is a scheme to hike domestic ingestion by promoting the rural occupants to devour more. By understanding the ingestion behaviour of the rural occupants, the authorities can gauge their contemplation and therefore the efficiency of policies can be guaranteed. Since there are assorted hierarchy of demand, people would utilize their income to purchase the basic survival resources as their precedence while the development merchandises would be subsequent and following by the leisure goods ( W.H. Wong, 1999 ) . In other words, there is a sequence of devouring. W. Guo concluded the basic sequence of spread outing disbursement of rural occupants in his survey ( W. Guo 1998 ) . It is: reproduction goods, lodging, and instruction for theyounger coevals, transit, electronic place contraptions, and trade goods. Under this sequence of devouring, we can foretell the ingestion behaviour of rural families. Basically, personal disposable income subtraction personal economy is personal ingestion outgo ( N. Gregory Manki, 2004 ) . Therefore, personal disposable income becomes one of the factors that affect personal ingestion outgo. Wong in his survey indicated that, the ingestion power and purpose to pass are different in different degree of household income. Rural families of high flat income prefer to devour to increase populating standard. On the contrast, rural families of low income degree tendency to carry through basic demand because of constraining by the limed of income. When the rural occupants can carry through their basic demand, they who are mobilized by the subsidy plan are able to devour the electronic place contraptions. Insecurity income beginning due to deficient in land usage Harmonizing to the World Bank, 90 % of poorness is still rural excepting migratory workers from the rural population ( World Bank, 2009 ) . Although per capital net income of rural families has been being steady lifting these old ages, the income spread between the urban and rural has besides grown. Harmonizing to the National Bureau of Statistic, in 2007 the per capital one-year net income of urban families is around RMB 14908, meanwhile, the per capital one-year net income of rural families is around RMB 4140, which is merely 27.7 % of the urban families ( National Bureau of Statistic, 2008 ) . Furthermore, the rural family does non experience a sense of security on their income beginning since they merely have usage rights to but make non have the land themselves. In add-on, the long-run investing in land is demotivated because of the insecurity of usage rights ( Jacoby H. , Li G. , Rozelle, S. , 2002 ) . Because of the ingestion outgo related to the personal income, in income of rural families are non security, they prefer to nest eggs instead than ingestion. It can be regarded one of the factors that demoviated the rural occupants to take part in the place contraption to countryside plan. Coverage of Social Security is low in rural countries Harmonizing to China Social Security Annual Bulletin, in 2007, there were about 476 million people in China s rural labour force. However, in that twelvemonth, the Numberss of workers contributed to the old age pension system was fewer than 52 million and merely 11 per centum of the rural labour force was covered by the strategy ( Y. Yang, J.B. Williamson, C. Shen, 2009 ) . Scholars conclude the old age pension system does non hold dependable beginning of funding, and full of jobs of financess embezzlement and is low benefits ( I. Nielsen, C. Nyland, R. Smyth, M.Q. Zhang and C. J. Zhu, 2005 ) . Since they do non and are non force to lend to the old age pension. The rural occupants rely on their nest eggs as their hazard protection. As a consequence, the attractive force to the rural occupants of the 13 % subsidy from the plan will diminish and the engagement of the rural will be affected. Game Theory Game theory is a survey of the ways in whichstrategic interactionsamongrational playersproduceoutcomeswith regard to theutilities of those participants ( Daniel Burgess, 2005 ) . In other words, game theory analyses how agents ( participants ) make determination which sufficient their ain public-service corporations instrategic state of affairss ( games ) . It is a mathematic theory which can be applied toin thesocial scientific disciplines research. It emphases that each participant involved in game will gauge their benefits and Acts of the Apostless in order to derive the best result separately. If in a state of affairs where it is non possible to increase benefits merely by the execution of one individual participant, this scheme is called the Nash equilibrium. Players involved in game relation will merely seek to profit oneself, it sometimes leads to a state of affairs of captive quandary. In such state of affairs, people do non collaborate although by so they can do both of them to be better off. The efficiency of a policy depends on the coherency between the Nash equilibrium and policy shaper s ideal focal point ( Osborne, Martin J. A ; Rubinstein, Ariel, 2003 ) . Every participant involves a policy will do different picks which affect the result and efficiency of a policy. As a consequence, we can utilize the decision by analysing game theoretical accounts of each participant to better the efficiency of a policy. Arguments: The place contraptions to the countryside plan has double maps. On one manus, it is an economic policy that emphases on keeping economic system growing by hiking domestic ingestion. On the other manus, it is a societal public assistance policy that accents on bettering the populating criterion of rural occupants by subsidising them to buy electronic place contraptions. The authorities, the electronic place contraptions industry and the rural occupants can take their ain schemes to take part to the place contraptions to countryside plan. This survey argues the game dealingss among the participants of the place contraptions to countryside plan will impede the rural occupants to take part to the plan. As a consequence, the expected result of the subsidy plan will be held back. Theoretical model: As mentioned before, harmonizing to the game theory, the efficiency of a policy depends on the coherency between the Nash equilibrium and policy shaper s ideal focal point. The spread between the aims and consequences of the policy originated from the game dealingss among the participants. Although the authorities has had a good purpose, the consequences of the plan gained at present were non conforming to the original appraisal. In this survey, a game-theoretic theoretical account is used to analyze the relationships among rural occupants, endeavors and authoritiess under the policy that rural occupants are encouraged to take part to the subsidy plan. The authorities can take to optimise the plan in order to pull more rural occupants to take part and devour. The rural occupant can take to or non to take part in the plan by ciphering their benefit and loss. As each participant seeks to fulfill its public-service corporation, this plan can be analyzed as an n-person non-cooperative ga me. This paper tries to relocate the functions of authoritiess, and set frontward some policy suggestion on advancing the place contraptions to the countryside plan. Research Methodology In research methodological analysis, I will utilize informations analysis every bit good as papers analysis methods to analyse in which countries the authorities should better the place contraptions to the countryside plan. The Ministry of Commerce and the National Bureau of Statistics have been proclaiming informations about the subsidy plan each month. Furthermore, Thought these informations, the game dealingss among the participants in the plan ( including the authorities, the industry and rural occupants ) can be examined. Since the subsidy plan is extremely concerned by the populace. Scholars have been investigated and commented on the plan. Their researches can lend to relevance the game relation among the participants. Bibliography Full text of Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao s address at 2009 Summer Davos in Dalian . ( 2009 ) , Embassy of the People s Republic of China in the United States of America. 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Saturday, October 19, 2019

Paper on Leading Intergenerational Groups and Interpersonal Skills for Research

On Leading Intergenerational Groups and Interpersonal Skills for Leaders - Research Paper Example From this point of view, it is rather difficult to evaluate the success of a leader in regard to his ability to lead intergenerational groups. However, there are certain facts that indicate the potentials of a leader to lead successfully such groups. In accordance with Haight and Gibson (2005) the successful leadership of intergenerational groups can be identified through a series of positive outcomes: ‘a) amelioration of suffering, b) overcoming of disability, c) the chance for new experiences of self-fulfillment and so on’ (Haight and Gibson 2005, p.92). The above outcomes are related to the healthcare sector but they can be used as criteria for developing similar assumptions in regard to leadership in other sectors. Hickman (2009) refers to the differences of generations, as these differences are highlighted in the social psychology. Reference is made specifically to the view of Karl Mannheim, a social scientist, who has studied the different responses of generations to various social phenomena. In accordance with Mannheim, people belonging to a particular generation are likely to have common values and attitudes; moreover, ‘people who have born in the time period between two different generations they are likely to incorporate the values and attitudes of both generations’ (Hickman 2009, p.475). ... The management of intergenerational groups can be quite challenging when referring to the state. In fact, it has been proved that the introduction of appropriate policies for addressing the needs of intergenerational groups within a particular state requires the full understanding of each group’s needs, potentials and attitudes. This issue is highlighted in the study of Dannefer (2010). In the above study, emphasis is given on the potential effects of failures in leading intergenerational groups at state level. It is suggested that intergenerational programs would be employed for ensuring that the needs of all the groups are addressed (Dannefer 2010). In accordance with Dannefer (2010) the incorporation of intergenerational programs by state is limited, usually related only to schools and communities, a fact that decreases the benefits of these programmes for a high portion of the population. The use of intergenerational programs as an effective means for leading intergenerati onal groups is also highlighted in the study of Kaplan (1998). It is noted however that these programs can be effective only under the following term: that they are expanded in all sectors, including educational, cultural and economic activities. Moreover, it is suggested that these programs would be developed at different levels of the state, especially the communities (Kaplan 1998). The support of these programs by the state would be a critical term for their success (Kaplan 1998). 2. Interpersonal skills for leaders Different approaches have been used in order to explain the key characteristics of a successful leader. In accordance with the most common view, technical

Friday, October 18, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 289

Assignment Example However, technological innovation is analyzed as a changing network of agents interacting in an industrial area and in an institutional infrastructure involved in generating, diffusing and utilizing technology. Technology innovation is the process that that brings improved and developed technologies widespread. The reason of technological innovation is to analyze and later develop a particular technology field in structures and processes that support it. The components of technological innovations are called structures. These are representations of the static aspect of the system as it stabilizes over time. They consist of technical infrastructures and artifacts where they are integrated. They also involve the techno-economic that includes the costs, reliability and safety. However, the designing of a cost- effective technological innovation has become quite a challenge as the world has become more interconnected (Graetz, 2013).There are two things that are clearly uncontested by economists. The first thing is the importance of technological innovations in relation to the economic growth. In 1957, Robert Slow demonstrated how significant economic growth per hour of work in the United State s in 1909 and 1949 could be attributed to the advances in technology (Graetz, 2013). Development of intellectual property (IP) is an essential element to national wealth building. Therefore, the government supports the advances in technology in the form of IP legal protection, providing loans and grants and guarantees to both the profit and no-profit making organization research institutions. In addition, they tax benefits for research and development for the innovations. In cases of a closed economy, the citizens and the residents will reap the reward to direct their taxes to spur. Studies have addressed the effects of increased research and development on employment pattern and

Art critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Art critique - Essay Example In most cases, the illuminations covered greatest parts of the pages of Bibles (Gardner and Fred 19). The amount of illumination manuscripts was large to the extent of increasing the weight of Bible. The illuminated manuscripts of the time had brightly colored gold background. The decoration style limited to religion, and artists could only change by improving ability of the work to send more religious messages to people. The figures were flat and formed two dimensions and having draperies made to form geometric shapes. The Gothic art such as those created by Simon Martini has few and small size texts in the pages. Large part of the Gothic manuscripts had gold, and rarely silver around the margins. The illumination during the Gothic period was moving from the Romanesque style that focused more on religious connotations. The Gothic manuscripts diversified and changed to catch up with the current events and environments. For instance, the Limbourge Brothers did a fantastic work by doing landscape painting (Gardner and Fred 33). The work was a sign of diversification of art to start appreciating the environmental

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Business strategy in Chinese restaurant Assignment - 1

Business strategy in Chinese restaurant - Assignment Example The purpose of this report is to explore the marketing strategies of Hai Di Lao hot pot by applying the PESTEL and SWOT framework. The strategic options for expansion of the restaurant are discussed in this report and finally the recommendations are suggested. Political: The Chinese government has been following liberalization policies and this includes a drive of opening foreign based fast food chains in the country. Since 2007, the government have banned all the unlicensed food suppliers. This implies that the restaurant owners have to be highly careful in terms of procurement of food from suppliers. The Chinese government’s policy on food safety is paramount. Economic: China is one of the fastest growing markets among the emerging market economies with an average rate of growth of 9.10 % from 1990 to 2014 (Trading Economics, 2014). The growth of the Chinese economy has been coupled with the growth of disposable income of middle class (Wang, 2012). The average rate of per capita GDP of China is estimated to be about $ 2611 dollars (World Bank, 2014). According to statistics, the fast food restaurant in China is expected to grow by 6% in terms of value sales (Euromonitor International, 2014). Social: Based on social taste and preferences, Chinese fast food market can be differentiated on the basis of domestic fast food industry and foreign fast food industry (Deloitte, 2012). Though, the consumers are acquiring a taste of foreign fast foods yet the domestic Chinese fast food is very popular representing 70% of market share (Research and Markets, 2011). Technological: Technological elements like using Electronic Funds Transfer at Point of Sale (EFTPOS) and advanced equipments in the kitchen reduce cost of production of the company. Using social media marketing and using internet technology to manage inventory can also help companies reduce their costs. Legal: Legislations for restaurant industry in China is

East Asia in the Modern World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

East Asia in the Modern World - Essay Example Therefore, the history of China and Korea cannot be narrated without considering Japan. However, following the 1866 abduction Koreans and subsequent attack made by the Korean soldiers on the ship that killed mostly Chinese crew, the Korean government rejected the trade demands from the western because of the unfortunate experiences of China in the Opium War. Korea was also concerned that Catholicism would spread. Moreover, it stopped it trades with Japan. In the year 1881, the Chinese diplomat, Haung Zunxian wrote â€Å"A Policy for Korea† where he recommended that Korea to develop close relationship between China and Japan. Additionally, this diplomat proposed the formation of alliance among these countries with United States so that they could defend themselves from the Russian aggression (Ebrey, Walthall, and Palais 366). These developments are clear indications that in the seventeenth century, China had good relationship with Korea despite of unfortunate occurrences that might or occurred between them. Notably, on August 20, 1882 Chinese forces arrived in Seoul under the leadership of General Wu Changqing. This force seized the gun from Taewon and sent him to Tianjin, China. 0n 29th august the same year, the Korean army and its citizens attacked and killed Chinese army. In October, Korea and Japan negotiated the Chemulp’o treaty that aimed at punishing the mutiny leaders (Ebrey, Walthall, and Palais 391). Later in 1 883, the Chinese asked Koreans to initiate commercial treaties. Between 1883 1nd 1886, Korea made unequal treaties with different countries including United States (1882), England and Germany (1883), Italy and Russia (1884), and France (1886). These developments indicate that China and Korea had strong relationship in the seventeenth

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Business strategy in Chinese restaurant Assignment - 1

Business strategy in Chinese restaurant - Assignment Example The purpose of this report is to explore the marketing strategies of Hai Di Lao hot pot by applying the PESTEL and SWOT framework. The strategic options for expansion of the restaurant are discussed in this report and finally the recommendations are suggested. Political: The Chinese government has been following liberalization policies and this includes a drive of opening foreign based fast food chains in the country. Since 2007, the government have banned all the unlicensed food suppliers. This implies that the restaurant owners have to be highly careful in terms of procurement of food from suppliers. The Chinese government’s policy on food safety is paramount. Economic: China is one of the fastest growing markets among the emerging market economies with an average rate of growth of 9.10 % from 1990 to 2014 (Trading Economics, 2014). The growth of the Chinese economy has been coupled with the growth of disposable income of middle class (Wang, 2012). The average rate of per capita GDP of China is estimated to be about $ 2611 dollars (World Bank, 2014). According to statistics, the fast food restaurant in China is expected to grow by 6% in terms of value sales (Euromonitor International, 2014). Social: Based on social taste and preferences, Chinese fast food market can be differentiated on the basis of domestic fast food industry and foreign fast food industry (Deloitte, 2012). Though, the consumers are acquiring a taste of foreign fast foods yet the domestic Chinese fast food is very popular representing 70% of market share (Research and Markets, 2011). Technological: Technological elements like using Electronic Funds Transfer at Point of Sale (EFTPOS) and advanced equipments in the kitchen reduce cost of production of the company. Using social media marketing and using internet technology to manage inventory can also help companies reduce their costs. Legal: Legislations for restaurant industry in China is

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Plea-bargaining Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Plea-bargaining - Essay Example The advantage of this system is that there is no need for a trial, a right that the defendant waives losing the chance for acquittal. However, the defendant â€Å"escapes† with a lesser charge than would have been the case had trial been done. The state saves on the cost of conducting a trial (Grossman & Katz, 1983). For the system to be operational, there are issues that are pre-negotiated including the reduction of charges, recommendations regarding the sentence itself or the guarantee that the prosecution would not oppose a request for probation. The process of plea-bargaining after the crime is committed and the accused person is arrested. The accused pleads guilty in exchange of an agreed sentence recommended by the judge. There are three types of pleas bargains. These are charge bargaining, count bargaining and sentence bargaining. The first type of bargain is where the defendant agrees to plead to a charge that is lesser than the one he is charged with. The second is wh ere the defendant will have the number of charges that he faces reduced in number and the third is where the defendant simply pleads guilty with prior knowledge of what the sentence will be. The process of plea bargaining is a private matter where only the accused, the defendant counsel, the prosecutor and in some cases the judge may be in attendance. The offer of plea bargain is used to locate stolen goods, to help arrest other culprits or to know the location of a kidnapped victim or a killed individual. A plea bargain does not undermine the system of law. Although the facts indicate that the practice usually leads to reduced sentences to guilty parties without the process of trial, there are benefits that aid in offsetting the negative sentiments expressed in relation to the practice. There are many advantages to plea bargaining as there are disadvantages. Considering the success rates of plea bargaining compared to that of trials, the practice inadvertently aids in the reduction of criminals on the streets as well as guarantee speedy dispensation of justice (Goldstein, 1997). In exchange, the prosecution gets information that might be valuable to the conviction of more serious crimes or may get information that might be the missing link towards the conclusion of a case in a court or an investigation. There are instances where plea bargaining has been considered as lacking. The prisoner?s dilemma scenario plays out during plea bargains (Schulhofer, 1992). Consider two people who have been accused. The prosecution will attempt to unearth the facts of the case by offering a plea bargain to one party so that he can testify against the other party. Regardless of whether both parties are guilty or not, the person who confesses will give false information incriminating even those who may not be guilty in an attempt to get himself out of the larger sentence. Another scenario is when the defendant cannot raise bail. Such a defendant will plead guilty to the charges leveled against him regardless of whether he is guilty or not. Such a person considers the length of time that trials usually take and chooses to plead to a plea bargain that might present a lesser time than that which he would have faced awaiting trial. Some critics argue that plea bargaining does not always result in saving on costs (Kipnis, 1979). They consider that a prosecutor who has a remote chance of getting a conviction may enter a plea bargain with the aim of getting reduced time for the defendant. If such a defendant accepts the deal, he will increase the cost to the state as he will be catered for in a jail. On the contrary, if the trial had dragged on until the end, the defendant would have been acquitted and that would have carried no extra cost to the state. There are

The Great Depression Essay Example for Free

The Great Depression Essay In a Bull Market, the stock market experiences a general rise in prices and stock trading volume for shares over a period of time. While in a Bear Market, the Stock market experiences a general decline in prices of stock. Not all stocks experience a decline in value, but most do. 2) Stock Market Crash- (1929) Plunge in stock market prices that marked the beginning of the Great Depression. 3) New Deal- the historic period (1933-1940) in the U. S. during which President Franklin Roosevelts economic policies were implemented. Three components of the New Deal. The first R was the effort to help the one-third of the population that was hardest hit by the depression, ; included social security and unemployment insurance. The second R was the effort in numerous programs to restore the economy to normal health, achieved by 1937. Finally, the third R let government intervention stabilize the economy by balancing the interests of farmers, business and labor. There was no major anti-trust program. 4) 100 Days- FDR began sending bill after bill to Congress. Between March 9 and June 16, 1933 which came to be called the HUNDRED DAYS. Congress passed 15 major acts to meet the economic crisis setting a pace for new legislation that has never been equaled. Later became known as 1st New Deal. 5) Bank Holiday- closing of banks for four days during the Great Depression, March 6-10. Roosevelt declared this holiday to prelude opening banks on a sounder basis. 6) Dust Bowl- Late in 1933 a prolonged drought struck the states of the trans-Mississippi Great Plains. The resulting dust storms were caused by drought, wind, and dry-farming techniques and mechanization. Tens of thousands of refugees fled their ruined acres. ) Brain Trust- Group of expert policy advisers who worked with FDR in the 1930s to end the great depression. 8) Social Security- guaranteed retirement payments for enrolled workers beginning at age 65; set up federal-state system of unemployment insurance and care for dependent mothers and children, the handicapped, and public health 9) Court Packing- Roosevelts proposal in 1937 to reform the Supreme Court by appointing an additional justice for every justice over age 70; following the Courts actions in striking down major New Deal laws, FDR came to believe that some justices were out of touch with the nations needs. Congress believed Roosevelts proposal endangered the Courts independence and said no. 10) NRA/ â€Å"Blue Eagle†- The National Recovery Administration was designed to assist industry, labor, and the unemployed. Labor, under the NRA, was granted additional benefits. Workers were guaranteed the right to organize and bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing. A blue eagle was described as the symbol of the NRA. 11) SEC- In 1934, Congress took further steps to protect the public against fraud, deception, and inside manipulations. It authorized the Securities and Exchange Commission, which was designed as a watchdog administrative agency. 12) WPA- New Deal program that provided relief to the unemployed in fields such as theater, literature, entertainment, and art. One of the largest alphabet agencies. 13) Herbert Hoover- President of the United States from 1929 to 1933. Republican candidate who assumed the presidency in March 1929 promising the American people prosperity and attempted to first deal with the Depression by trying to restore public faith in the community. 4) Franklin Roosevelt- He was president from 1933-1945 and was elected four times, he led the countrys recovery from the Depression and to victory in World War II. He died in office, however, just weeks before Germanys surrender. He is generally considered the greatest president since Abraham Lincoln. 15) Eleanor Roosevelt- FDRs Wife and New Deal supporter. She was a great supporter of civil rights and opposed the Jim Crow laws. She also worked for birth control and better conditions for working women. 16) Huey Long- Senator of Louisiana, who was said to have more brass than a government mule. He used his abundant rabble-rousing talents to publicize his â€Å"Share Our Wealth† program, which promised to make â€Å"Every Man a King. Every family was to receive $5000, supposedly at the expense of the prosperous. Fear of Long’s becoming a fascist dictator ended when he was shot by an assassin in the Louisiana state capitol in 1935. 17) Isolationism- Abstention from alliances and other international political and economic relations. American foreign policy. It’s what America strives to do in order to keep out of European problems and wars. 8) Appeasement- Policy pursued by the Western democracies towards Nazi Germany, consenting to concessions in which Hitlers demands to annex the German-inhabited Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia were acquiesced to in hopes of achieving peace in our time; although Hitler promised the Sudetenland would be his last territorial claim, he broke this vow only a few months later. 19) Fascism vs. Communism- Fascism is a political s ystem headed by a dictator that calls for extreme nationalism and racism and no tolerance of opposition. Communism is a political system characterized by a centrally planned economy with all economic and political power resting in the hands of the central government. 20) Blitzkrieg- Tactics used by Germany in invasion of Poland in 1939. Also called lightning war. Involved a surprise attack, and then overwhelming with force! 21) Pearl Harbor- was the site of an unexpected attack on an American naval fleet by Japanese bombers on December 7, 1941. The United States suffered 3,000 casualties and the loss of several naval and aircrafts. And Congress declared war on Japan the following day, and Italy and France soon after. 2) Midway- (battle) It was a U. S. naval victory over the Japanese fleet in June 1942, in which the Japanese lost four of their best aircraft carriers. It marked a turning point in World War II. 23) D-Day- June 6, 1944 Led by Eisenhower, over a million troops (the largest invasion force in history) stormed the beaches at Normandy and began the process of re-taking France. It was the turning point of World War II. 24) Japanese Internment- Carried out through Executive Order 9066, which took many Japanese families away from their homes and into internment camp. Motivated (somewhat) by racism and fear of spies. 5) Hiroshima/Nagasaki- The first dropped on August 6, 1945 and the second dropped on August 9, 1945. These two events are the only active deployments of nuclear weapons in war to date. For six months, the United States had made use of intense strategic fire-bombing of 67 Japanese cities. US clued for surrender of Japan in the Potsdam Declaration on July 26, 1945. The Japanese government ignored this ultimatum. By executive order of President Harry S. Truman, the U. S. dropped the nuclear weapon Little Boy on the city of Hiroshima on Monday, August 6, 1945, followed by the detonation of Fat Man over Nagasaki on August 9. 6) Occupation of Japan- Occupied by American army under MacArthur, he carried out his program for the democratization of japan with stunning success. Top Japanese war criminals were tried in Tokyo . The Japanese cooperated to astonishing degree when they saw that good behavior and the adoption of democracy would speed the end of the occupation. a MacArthur-dictated constitution renounced militarism and introduced western-style democratic government paving the way for a phenomenal economic recovery that within a few decades made japan one of worlds mightiest industrial powers. Occupation of Germany- Four zones France in the southwest, Russia in the east, us in the south, and UK in the northeast. Likewise, berlin was split into east and west. This maintained that Germany would be nonaggressive while rebuilding and under allied and Russian control. 28) Douglas MacArthur- (1880-1964), U. S. general. Commander of U. S. (later Allied) forces in the southwestern Pacific during World War II, he accepted Japans surrender in 1945 and administered the ensuing Allied occupation. He was in charge of UN forces in Korea 1950-51, before being forced to relinquish command by President Truman. 29) Dwight D. Eisenhower- Supreme Commander of the US Forces in Europe during World War II; became president and during his two terms presided over the economically prosperous 1950s. He was praised for his dignity and decency, though criticized for not being more assertive on civil rights 30) Admiral Yamamoto- Japanese admiral who planned Pearl Harbor Attack. Japan stealthily came in from the North.